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4 Major Copywriting Oversights That Kill Conversions & How You Can Avoid Them

4 Major Copywriting Oversights That Kill Conversions & How You Can Avoid Them

April 01, 20235 min read

The first part of your content marketing strategy is to create influential and awesome content that gets people interested. The second part is to make sure you have a conversion-optimized website that brings in those interested people, where they can convert into leads, customers and advocates. But are you making any copywriting oversights that might be sabotaging your content marketing?

Copywriting can make or break a page, and in this article, you'll learn about four major oversights that have caused conversions to plummet and what you can do to prevent them.

How Copywriting Leads To Better Conversion

In today's world, good copywriting is essential for high conversion rates. However, many businesses make common oversights that can kill their conversion rates.

Copywriting is one of the most important aspects of online marketing, yet it’s often overlooked or done poorly. Good copywriting can be the difference between a successful conversion and a failed one.

There are two major copywriting conversion killers that businesses should be aware of:

Not Focusing on the Customer
Too often, businesses focus on themselves instead of their customers when writing copy. They use jargon-filled language and talk about features instead of benefits. This kind of copy doesn’t resonate with customers and doesn’t give them a reason to convert. Copy should be customer-centric, focusing on what the customer wants and needs. It should be written in plain language that’s easy to understand, and it should highlight the benefits of the product or service.

Making Assumptions
Another common mistake is making assumptions about what customers want or need. For example, a business might assume that customers already know about a certain feature or benefit. They might also assume that customer objections have been addressed elsewhere on the website.

Making assumptions in copy is a surefire way to turn potential customers away. Copy should be specific and address all possible questions and concerns a customer might have. It should never make assumptions about what a customer knows or doesn’t know.

Why Most Copy Doesn't Convert?

There are a number of reasons why most copy doesn't convert. The most common reason is that it's not specific enough. It's important to be clear about what you want people to do, and why they should do it.

Another reason is that the copy is too long or rambling. People lose interest quickly, so it's important to make your point quickly and clearly. Finally, many people make the mistake of thinking that copy is all about selling. But in reality, people don't want to be sold to. They want to be informed and entertained. If you can keep these things in mind, you'll be well on your way to writing copy that actually converts.

What's the #1 Reason Why Most Copy Doesn't Work?

The number one reason why most copy doesn't work is because it's not specific enough. People need to know exactly what you want them to do, and why they should do it. If your copy is vague, people will simply move on. Be clear about what you want people to do, and make sure your reasons are compelling.

What's the #2 Reason Why Most Copy Doesn't Work?

The second most common reason why copy doesn't work is because it's too long or rambling. People have short attention spans, so you need to make your point quickly and clearly. Get to the point, and then get out. Otherwise, people will simply tune you out.

What's the #3 Reason Why Most Copy Doesn't Work?

Many people make the mistake of thinking that copy is all about selling. But in reality, people don't want to be sold to; they want to be informed and entertained. If you try to hard to sell in your copy, people will simply turn away. Instead, focus on providing value and building trust.

What are the 4 Major Copywriting Oversights?

1. Lack of clarity: When copy isn't clear, it doesn't matter how great the offer is. People won't convert because they don't understand what you're offering or what they need to do to take advantage of it.

2. Failing to address the reader's needs: Your copy should be focused on what the reader wants, not on what you want to sell them. If you're not addressing their needs, they're not going to convert.

3. Weak call-to-action: A strong call-to-action is essential for getting people to take the next step and convert. Without a compelling CTA, your copy will fall flat.

4. Not testing and optimizing: Always test different versions of your copy to see what works best and then continue to optimize it over time. Don't just settle for the first version you come up with - keep tweaking and testing until you find something that really works.

Actionable Tips for Avoiding the 4 Major Copywriting Oversights

1. Not knowing your audience: The first step to creating effective copy is understanding who your target reader is. What are their needs and wants? What kind of language do they respond to? Without this critical information, you'll be shooting in the dark, hoping that something you write will resonate.

2. Failing to focus on the benefits: Your readers don't care about your product or service, they care about what it can do for them. When crafting your copy, make sure to focus on the benefits rather than the features. How will your product or service make their life better?

3. Ignoring the call to action: Once you've grabbed your reader's attention and told them what's in it for them, you need to tell them what to do next. This is where many marketers drop the ball, failing to include a strong call to action. Make sure yours is clear, concise, and easy to follow.

4. Overlooking the power of proof: Last but not least, don't forget to include some sort of proof that what you're saying is true. Whether it's testimonials from happy customers or data from third-party studies, this type of evidence can go a long way in boosting conversions.


Copywriting is a critical part of online marketing, yet it's often overlooked or done poorly. If you're not getting the conversions you want, it might be time to take a closer look at your copywriting. There are four major copywriting oversights that can kill conversions: failing to address the reader directly, not having a clear call-to-action, using too much technical jargon, and making promises you can't keep. By avoiding these four mistakes, you'll be well on your way to writing effective copy that converts.

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4 Major Copywriting Oversights That Kill Conversions & How You Can Avoid Them

4 Major Copywriting Oversights That Kill Conversions & How You Can Avoid Them

April 01, 20235 min read

The first part of your content marketing strategy is to create influential and awesome content that gets people interested. The second part is to make sure you have a conversion-optimized website that brings in those interested people, where they can convert into leads, customers and advocates. But are you making any copywriting oversights that might be sabotaging your content marketing?

Copywriting can make or break a page, and in this article, you'll learn about four major oversights that have caused conversions to plummet and what you can do to prevent them.

How Copywriting Leads To Better Conversion

In today's world, good copywriting is essential for high conversion rates. However, many businesses make common oversights that can kill their conversion rates.

Copywriting is one of the most important aspects of online marketing, yet it’s often overlooked or done poorly. Good copywriting can be the difference between a successful conversion and a failed one.

There are two major copywriting conversion killers that businesses should be aware of:

Not Focusing on the Customer
Too often, businesses focus on themselves instead of their customers when writing copy. They use jargon-filled language and talk about features instead of benefits. This kind of copy doesn’t resonate with customers and doesn’t give them a reason to convert. Copy should be customer-centric, focusing on what the customer wants and needs. It should be written in plain language that’s easy to understand, and it should highlight the benefits of the product or service.

Making Assumptions
Another common mistake is making assumptions about what customers want or need. For example, a business might assume that customers already know about a certain feature or benefit. They might also assume that customer objections have been addressed elsewhere on the website.

Making assumptions in copy is a surefire way to turn potential customers away. Copy should be specific and address all possible questions and concerns a customer might have. It should never make assumptions about what a customer knows or doesn’t know.

Why Most Copy Doesn't Convert?

There are a number of reasons why most copy doesn't convert. The most common reason is that it's not specific enough. It's important to be clear about what you want people to do, and why they should do it.

Another reason is that the copy is too long or rambling. People lose interest quickly, so it's important to make your point quickly and clearly. Finally, many people make the mistake of thinking that copy is all about selling. But in reality, people don't want to be sold to. They want to be informed and entertained. If you can keep these things in mind, you'll be well on your way to writing copy that actually converts.

What's the #1 Reason Why Most Copy Doesn't Work?

The number one reason why most copy doesn't work is because it's not specific enough. People need to know exactly what you want them to do, and why they should do it. If your copy is vague, people will simply move on. Be clear about what you want people to do, and make sure your reasons are compelling.

What's the #2 Reason Why Most Copy Doesn't Work?

The second most common reason why copy doesn't work is because it's too long or rambling. People have short attention spans, so you need to make your point quickly and clearly. Get to the point, and then get out. Otherwise, people will simply tune you out.

What's the #3 Reason Why Most Copy Doesn't Work?

Many people make the mistake of thinking that copy is all about selling. But in reality, people don't want to be sold to; they want to be informed and entertained. If you try to hard to sell in your copy, people will simply turn away. Instead, focus on providing value and building trust.

What are the 4 Major Copywriting Oversights?

1. Lack of clarity: When copy isn't clear, it doesn't matter how great the offer is. People won't convert because they don't understand what you're offering or what they need to do to take advantage of it.

2. Failing to address the reader's needs: Your copy should be focused on what the reader wants, not on what you want to sell them. If you're not addressing their needs, they're not going to convert.

3. Weak call-to-action: A strong call-to-action is essential for getting people to take the next step and convert. Without a compelling CTA, your copy will fall flat.

4. Not testing and optimizing: Always test different versions of your copy to see what works best and then continue to optimize it over time. Don't just settle for the first version you come up with - keep tweaking and testing until you find something that really works.

Actionable Tips for Avoiding the 4 Major Copywriting Oversights

1. Not knowing your audience: The first step to creating effective copy is understanding who your target reader is. What are their needs and wants? What kind of language do they respond to? Without this critical information, you'll be shooting in the dark, hoping that something you write will resonate.

2. Failing to focus on the benefits: Your readers don't care about your product or service, they care about what it can do for them. When crafting your copy, make sure to focus on the benefits rather than the features. How will your product or service make their life better?

3. Ignoring the call to action: Once you've grabbed your reader's attention and told them what's in it for them, you need to tell them what to do next. This is where many marketers drop the ball, failing to include a strong call to action. Make sure yours is clear, concise, and easy to follow.

4. Overlooking the power of proof: Last but not least, don't forget to include some sort of proof that what you're saying is true. Whether it's testimonials from happy customers or data from third-party studies, this type of evidence can go a long way in boosting conversions.


Copywriting is a critical part of online marketing, yet it's often overlooked or done poorly. If you're not getting the conversions you want, it might be time to take a closer look at your copywriting. There are four major copywriting oversights that can kill conversions: failing to address the reader directly, not having a clear call-to-action, using too much technical jargon, and making promises you can't keep. By avoiding these four mistakes, you'll be well on your way to writing effective copy that converts.

copywritingconversion killerconversion rate optimization
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